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Umbraco's Privacy Policy

Support is provided to our Umbraco Support customers, who can access support tickets from our support page. You can read more about Umbraco Support here.

You can always get in touch with Umbraco HQ by giving us a call or sending us an email.

Umbraco HQ

Umbraco A/S
Buchwaldsgade 35, 2. sal (second floor),
5000 Odense C

Phone: +45 70 26 11 62

Email: contact@umbraco.com

Company Registration Number/cvr: 35866582

Umbraco US office

2115 Rexford Rd
Suite 470
Charlotte, NC 28211

Phone: (US) +1 704 242 2753

Mailing address for US check payments:
Umbraco, LLC
c/o Martin Dahlgaard Attorney P.C.
USA Denmark Law
228 Park Avenue S, Suite 300
New York, NY 10003

Umbraco NL Office

Umbraco NL
Laan van Westroijen 6,
4003 AZ Tiel

Umbraco SE Office

Umbraco SE
Drottninggatan 32, 8:e vån (8th floor).
111 51 Stockholm

Banking details Europe

Name of bank:

Nordea Bank Danmark A/S

Erhvervscenter Fyn

Vestre Stationsvej 7, 2, Postboks 189, 5000 Odense C.


A/C no.: 2206 6890571822


IBAN-nr: DK3320006890571822

For accounts receivable and accounts payable, please contact accounts@umbraco.com 

Supplier contact

As one of our suppliers, please send your questions/request/invoices to:
